May Jesus' sacrifice for me not have been in made in vain. I can't help but want to beg for forgiveness:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
May Jesus' sacrifice for me not have been in made in vain. I can't help but want to beg for forgiveness:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
As we drove into the parking lot at school, Alex said: ""Mom, I want to go to UCF because it is a good college and I can live at home and visit elementary whenever I want. I can see all the teachers, if they don't get cut.."
I am sure he has no idea how many messages I heard from the one simple sentence, but this is what I thought:
1. He is 8 years old and planning for college. This is so "Alex" simply because he is a my little go-getter. I don't doubt he will be my overachiever!
2. The teachers in his life have had a huge impact on him already! His Kindergarten teacher went to UCF and is a big UCF fan, so he has talked about it since he was 5! So, I am confident UCF will still be in his "Top 5" when he is actually going to apply.
3. The fact that we are such a close family right now makes him believe that he will actually want to live at home- even when he in college. I first thought this displayed his innocence, but in our family, I am wondering if anyone will ever move out.....but I am ok if they don't.....well as long as they're in school and/or doing their share.
4. He loves his elementary teachers. His school, Sunrise Elementary, has been a part of his life since birth. He knows people there love our family and are wonderful and supportive to him. How cool is that?
5. He understands, to a certain extent of course, that when he is adult he will make his own choices, thus the "whenever I want" part.
6. The state of our economy is part of his daily life- a childhood marred by reality...or is this part of his package? He knows teachers can be "cut" just like a stray thread hanging on his shirt sleeve. Then I chide myself thinking that his reality is such a great one compared to others.
Monday, April 11, 2011

It has been so long since I even thought about blogging, I totally forgot I had this. Lately my life seems to revolve around work, kids, house, "OMG what's for dinner?" and repeat. One day turns into a week and that turns into a series of months. I am NOT complaining, it's just reality for me right now. I am acutely aware it will not be always be like this so I appreciate the many true blessings that surround me. If only I had a few more hours in a day.....